

Replace + AIM Datar Update Terbaru


[-]Replace Off : Numpad 0(Gak off gak BT)

[-] Spas 15 : Numpad 1

[-] SG Putar : Numpad 2

[-] AUG A3 D : Numpad 3

[-] P90 ext D : Numpad 4

[-] AK47 FC : Numpad 5\

[-] Famas M203 : Numpad 6

[-] CheyTac 200M : Numpad 7

[-] Kriss SV Batik : Numpad 8

[-] M4 SR-16 F.C : Numpad 9

[-] AIM Datar F1 : ON F2 :OFF

[-] Fast Pasang & Defuse : INSERT ON/OFF


*C22 Community


*Gangster BTN

Download Cheat :

Dowload Password :

Virus Scan :


Garasi.Org V.1.2 Spesial Replace Weapon

[-] Paul_justEnter

Thank's to :
[-] All member Garasi.Org

[-] Special Replace Weapon

Posted Image

Cara Pakai, PENTING! :
1. Aktifkan cheat pada saat "Sedang Memulai Permainan"
2. Pada saat Cheat REPLACE Aktif / ON, Buang 1x senjata ke tanah / Lantai.
3. Lalu ambil lagi senjata yang dibuang tadi.
4. Senjata sudah bisa dipakai untuk nge-KILL musuh.
5. Apabila mati, ULANGI CARA NOMOR 1 dan 2.. Jangan langsung menembak musuh! Kalo tidak PASTI terdeteksi program Ilegal.

Download : link

VT link


Posted Image

Password :

Click Here! gk ktemua ya gan link'a ? coba klik + dlu

Link Cheat :

Click Here! klo gk ktemu klik + dlu ... :jempol1:

Jika error Copy ke system32


Fitur :
- Fullhack Anti Vote Kick [RM]
- Repleace Weapon
- Wallhack D3D

Hotkey :
- Insert [->] - [<-]

Cara Pakai replace weapon untuk menghindari deteksi program ilegal:

1 ON kan saat loading Map
2.Setelah senjata kamu berubah, JANGAN NEMBAK DULU !
3. Buang dulu senjata kamu lalu ambil kembali, baru boleh nembak sesuka hati
4. Death Match : - Pada saat kamu di kill musuh, buang lagi senjatanya, lalu
ambil kembali baru boleh nembak. Begitu seterusnya..
Bomb Mission: - Setelah selesai round, Ulangi point No.3
- Setelah pasang bom (Tero) ulapoint No.3
5. Saat game berakhir / pas tampilan Game OFF keplacenya.

Note: - Intinya jangan menembak sebelum kamu buang senjata !!

created: Tambores

*[ Warning ]*
[-] Jangan Show Off Slow Aja OK !
NB: Setiap Menggunakan Cheat Biasakan Pakai Deepreeze Demi kenyamanan komputer Anda
Sebagai Imbalan Klik iklan di sebelah kanan bawah
1 Klik Bermanfaat bagi kami

Antivirus Version Last Update Result
AhnLab-V3 2012.01.02.00 2012.01.02 -
AntiVir 2012.01.03 -
Antiy-AVL 2012.01.03 Trojan/Win32.Nilage.gen
Avast 6.0.1289.0 2012.01.02 -
AVG 2012.01.02 -
BitDefender 7.2 2012.01.03 -
ByteHero 2011.12.31 -
CAT-QuickHeal 12.00 2012.01.03 -
ClamAV 2012.01.03 Trojan.Agent-193115
Commtouch 2012.01.03 -
Comodo 11174 2012.01.03 -
DrWeb 2012.01.03 -
Emsisoft 2012.01.03 Gen.Variant.Kazy!IK
eSafe 2012.01.02 -
eTrust-Vet 37.0.9659 2012.01.02 Win32/Agent.BMF!genus
F-Prot 2012.01.02 -
F-Secure 9.0.16440.0 2012.01.02 -
Fortinet 4.3.388.0 2012.01.03 -
GData 22 2012.01.03 -
Ikarus T3. 2011.12.31 Gen.Variant.Kazy
Jiangmin 13.0.900 2012.01.03 Heur:Trojan/InjectDll
K7AntiVirus 9.123.5838 2012.01.02 -
Kaspersky 2012.01.03 -
McAfee 5.400.0.1158 2012.01.03 -
McAfee-GW-Edition 2010.1E 2012.01.02 -
Microsoft 1.7903 2012.01.03 -
NOD32 6762 2012.01.03 a variant of Win32/HackTool.Inject.O
Norman 6.07.13 2012.01.02 -
nProtect 2012-01-02.01 2012.01.02 -
Panda 2012.01.02 -
PCTools 2012.01.03 -
Prevx 3.0 2012.01.03 -
Rising 2011.12.31 -
Sophos 4.72.0 2012.01.03 -
SUPERAntiSpyware 2011.12.30 -
Symantec 20111.2.0.82 2012.01.03 -
TheHacker 2012.01.03 -
TrendMicro 9.500.0.1008 2012.01.03 -
TrendMicro-HouseCall 9.500.0.1008 2012.01.03 -
VBA32 2012.01.02 -
VIPRE 11343 2012.01.03 -
ViRobot 2012.1.3.4860 2012.01.03 -
VirusBuster 2012.01.02 -

Gk percaya ? scan sendiri

Share Replace All Weapon +AIMBOT Datar/Auto HS Datar + Bonus DLL

Downlaod Chit :
Download Password :

Copykan MSCOMCTL.OCX ke C:\WINDOWS\System32

[-]Replace Off : Numpad 0(Gak off gak BT)
[-] Spas 15 : Numpad 1
[-] SG Putar : Numpad 2
[-] AUG A3 D : Numpad 3
[-] P90 ext D : Numpad 4
[-] AK47 FC : Numpad 5
[-] Famas M203 : Numpad 6
[-] CheyTac 200M : Numpad 7
[-] Kriss SV Batik : Numpad 8
[-] M4 SR-16 F.C : Numpad 9
[-] AIM Datar F1 : ON F2 :OFF
[-] Fast Pasang & Defuse : INSERT ON/OFF
*C22 Community
*Gangster BTN
NB: <Wajib>
- Instal Vcredist=> Click Here :
- Copykan "mvscr100.dll" Ke:C/WINDOWS/System 32 => Click Here :
-Matikan Anti virus <False Alarm>
-Jika terdeteksi Anti Virus Injektor tidak keluar <Harus Restart Computer>

Spesial Tahun Baru 2012

Spesial Tahun Baru 2012 Khusus Hari Ini ( berlaku masa aktif cuma hari ini )

[*] AdiMaster™
[*] TKN_Aziz_ID
[*] TKN_Wahyu Adam

[*] TUTOR ada di Folder


My Link Link Saya Hidden tekan +++ pasti muncul linknya

Adi Master

Maaf gan Web ane gk isa VIRTOT nx Tolong Bantu Ane ea gan
Trima Kasih


ALL WINDOWS Special New Season 2012 Replace ALL WEAPON + Auto HS Beta+1 Hit Pasbom Updates 1 Jan 2012

Yang WIndows 7 Gak usah bersedih yah,, nie q  share cheat all windows,,
di windows apapun asalkan bisa buat pb pasti working
Downloads Cheat : 
Downloads Password : 

[-]Replace Off          : Numpad 0(Gak off gak BT)
[-] Spas 15              : Numpad 1
[-] SG Putar             : Numpad 2
[-] AUG A3 D             : Numpad 3
[-] P90 ext D            : Numpad 4
[-] AK47 FC              : Numpad 5\
[-] Famas M203           : Numpad 6
[-] CheyTac 200M         : Numpad 7
[-] Kriss SV Batik       : Numpad 8
[-] M4 SR-16 F.C         : Numpad 9
[-] AIM Datar F1         : ON F2 :OFF
[-] Fast Pasang & Defuse : INSERT ON/OFF
Tutorial ::
 Buka PB launcher
 Buka Cheat
 StartPB nya
Auto Resume

[-]Replace Weapon
1.On Kan saat Muncul Tulisan Sedang mempersiapkan Game...<<<Sebelum Respon
2.Sudah ganti snjatanya langsung tekan G <<<< BUANG snjata
3.AMbil Lagi
4.Tembakan dah tuh Ke Lawan
5.Off kan saat keluar dari room

[-]Auto Headshot Beta|No Recoil|AIM Datar
1.On Kan di Dalam Room
2.Off kan saat mati
3.Jangan pakai kekeran ntar layarnya Hitam,,,

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Katie Fox

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since. Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.

"If you want to build something big, you have to start with a small step!"

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here'. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting has been the industry's.

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here'. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since.

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Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.

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